Monday, September 1, 2008

Ye Olde Tyme Eagle has Landed

We started driving early Sunday morning, left Pennsylvania, through New York, and straight through Connecticut. We arrived in Massachusetts around 1:30pm...we saw the sign for Old Sturbridge Village, and decided to stop in. It was a beautiful day (the pictures don't do it justice). I love Sturbridge Village...

This is the part of Old Sturbridge Village where I always start salivating, because of the cookies. It's right inside the front gate.

Sheep don't really say 'baah'. It's more of an 'ahhhh!", in the back of the throat.

There are way more trees now then there were back in colonial times.

Inhaling the Pure Air of nature:

Again with the sheep!

Aww....Rachel is looking a little sheepish...

(By the way, can you tell where Sue stops writing and Rachel picks up?)

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